1953 Leyland OPD2/1 [2818]

Restoration Reports

Monthly Report

Follow my restoration by a "Click" on the "Year" or "topic"

Arrival of 2818 on the farm

Video of the Leyland "Progress" from Norm.

1/ Finding the Bus at Nambucca Heads
2/ Arrival at my farm # 1
3/ Arrival at my farm # 2
4/ Arrival at my farm # 3
5/ Starting the bus in the paddock to move
6/ Idling the Motor still in the Paddock
7/ 50 metre run and parking
8/ Starting the bus after sitting for six months "loosing up the motor
9/ Checking the starter motor and oil pressurebus

Leylands of Yesteryear

Last updated
September, 2015
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